Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ready for Game Day

Shoes:  $6.00  0-3 months  4",     3-6 months  4.5", or 6-12 months 5"
Tutus:  Infant $8.00  or Toddler $10.00
Football burp cloth:  $4.00 or 3/$10.00
Hooded Towels:  $10.00
Hooded Towel w/matching burp cloth:  $12.00
Nursing cover for you modest mamas:  $20.00
Hair clips $3.00 ea. or buy 4 and get the 5th free.

Holiday Hair Bows $3.00 ea.

Please e-mail us with your order or questions.
Buy 4 hair items and the 5th if free of a equal or lesser value.

Holiday hair bows

Misc. hair items $2.00 ea.

Remember buy 4 hair items and the 5th is free of equal or lesser value.

Clearance Hair Clips $1.00ea.

All of our hair items are buy 4 get the 5th free of a equal or lesser value.